"Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company.
So then I got a call from him, saying
we don't have to worry about money no more.
I said, that's good. One less thing. "
It's no secret I love Forrest Gump so I'll refrain from my usual gushing (I'D SO MARRY HIMinaheartbeatwithnoshoeson!!!!) and commence with a review on a second book following his life: Gump & Co. by Winston Grooms (published in 1995, one year after the movie was released). At first I was annoyed- I didn't remember Forrest using such bad language in the movie, but like I said just yesterday YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S MOVIE!!!!
In all honesty, I've never read the original Forrest Gump novel, so all I have to base my judgements on is the fact that I thought that movie is the best movie EVER made and anything below that would be a disappointment. I had to get over that real fast! Apparently in the original book Jenny doesn't die, marries someone else and Little Forrest isn't aware that Forrest Sr. is his biological sperm donor. HOLD UP! What? I was so confused. Part of my basis for loving Forrest in the first place is his devotion to Jenny and his son. It was hard to push that aside and let this story take me elsewhere.
I also found it so disheartening that Mr. Grooms choose to call Forrest an "idiot" every chance he got. I do not like how he was played as the village fool nor do I like how he was criticized and repeatedly made a national scapegoat in this book. I don't see Forrest as an idiot at all - and if he is, then every male I know is an idiot too. I don't think his mentality really had all that much to do with his I.Q. its more of a southern thing. We talk slower here, we take our time, we trust people a way too much. I don't think Forrest is an idiot, I think he's just a regular good old southern boy who might just be a little more naive than the rest of us. In way... I think he's just the male version of Rose Nylund.
I think it unfortunate that Mr. Grooms took so many liberties with this book. While it is funny that Forrest worked for The Bakers (of the Tammy Faye variety) and captured Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War, only to be told to return him, some things were just too far out there. Remember in the movie (I know, I'm doing it again) when he haphazardly falls into the Watergate Scandal and "accidentally" speaks to thousands in Washington? Those things were hilarious and ironic. Now, not having read the first book, I don't know if the author was as obvious as he was in Gump & Co. or if maybe reading these scenes just isn't as effective as seeing them on the big screen- but I was sorely disappointed. They were too drawn out, too obvious. It's hard to take a situation seriously when you can see whats going to happen from a mile away. I like when Forrest EASES into a situation- not falls into it face firs
t and is made to be the village idiot. I'll let you read the book and see for yourself what instances I'm talking about....
But I particularly liked the ended- very much what I'd expect from a Forrest tale. He was lovable and natural and Grooms offered exactly what I expected- not flamboyancy but irony....I even liked the appearance from Bill Clinton. Quite humorous.
Read this one with an open mind- although, once you get used to the vernacular and can hear Forrest (a la Tom Hanks or your favorite hot boy who has the accent down to a science. Ahem.... ) telling you the story- I think you'll find this a pleasant and enjoyable surprise.
Don't worry Mom, I'll return your book... I kinda stole it from your shelf last time I was home!So then I got a call from him, saying
we don't have to worry about money no more.
I said, that's good. One less thing. "
It's no secret I love Forrest Gump so I'll refrain from my usual gushing (I'D SO MARRY HIMinaheartbeatwithnoshoeson!!!!) and commence with a review on a second book following his life: Gump & Co. by Winston Grooms (published in 1995, one year after the movie was released). At first I was annoyed- I didn't remember Forrest using such bad language in the movie, but like I said just yesterday YOU CAN'T JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S MOVIE!!!!
In all honesty, I've never read the original Forrest Gump novel, so all I have to base my judgements on is the fact that I thought that movie is the best movie EVER made and anything below that would be a disappointment. I had to get over that real fast! Apparently in the original book Jenny doesn't die, marries someone else and Little Forrest isn't aware that Forrest Sr. is his biological sperm donor. HOLD UP! What? I was so confused. Part of my basis for loving Forrest in the first place is his devotion to Jenny and his son. It was hard to push that aside and let this story take me elsewhere.
I also found it so disheartening that Mr. Grooms choose to call Forrest an "idiot" every chance he got. I do not like how he was played as the village fool nor do I like how he was criticized and repeatedly made a national scapegoat in this book. I don't see Forrest as an idiot at all - and if he is, then every male I know is an idiot too. I don't think his mentality really had all that much to do with his I.Q. its more of a southern thing. We talk slower here, we take our time, we trust people a way too much. I don't think Forrest is an idiot, I think he's just a regular good old southern boy who might just be a little more naive than the rest of us. In way... I think he's just the male version of Rose Nylund.
I think it unfortunate that Mr. Grooms took so many liberties with this book. While it is funny that Forrest worked for The Bakers (of the Tammy Faye variety) and captured Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War, only to be told to return him, some things were just too far out there. Remember in the movie (I know, I'm doing it again) when he haphazardly falls into the Watergate Scandal and "accidentally" speaks to thousands in Washington? Those things were hilarious and ironic. Now, not having read the first book, I don't know if the author was as obvious as he was in Gump & Co. or if maybe reading these scenes just isn't as effective as seeing them on the big screen- but I was sorely disappointed. They were too drawn out, too obvious. It's hard to take a situation seriously when you can see whats going to happen from a mile away. I like when Forrest EASES into a situation- not falls into it face firs

But I particularly liked the ended- very much what I'd expect from a Forrest tale. He was lovable and natural and Grooms offered exactly what I expected- not flamboyancy but irony....I even liked the appearance from Bill Clinton. Quite humorous.
Read this one with an open mind- although, once you get used to the vernacular and can hear Forrest (a la Tom Hanks or your favorite hot boy who has the accent down to a science. Ahem.... ) telling you the story- I think you'll find this a pleasant and enjoyable surprise.
9/52 Books (Currently 7 behind... Oops!)
2646 Pages Read.
As usual, another good review. Keep reading...! One a day and you just might catch up.