Friday, July 9, 2010

15. Lucky Stars

I don't even want to think about how far behind I am. I'm almost frightened to check. So much has happened since I last wrote and honestly, I think it's because reading makes me go inside myself for a while and for quite a few weeks now I've been avoiding just that. Going inside myself meant dealing with some things that I wasn't quite ready to deal with but I'm back. In the course of this vacation from blogging I have managed to read two books (which in all honesty, I read weeks ago on the same day so I'm not as fantastic as I'd like you to believe.) but even so, I guess I'm not an entirely hopeless cause.

I will also say in my defense that a few weeks ago I attempted to give a review but my computer had a stupid moment and deleted everything I'd said. It did not make me happy, in fact- My computer crashed for about twenty four hours and left me with a feeling that bordered on a panic attack. Crisis averted- I found out how to upload firefox in safe mode and I saved the day. No male hero needed... which is freaking fantastic if you ask me considering I do not have a technology savvy bone in my body.

On to the task at hand- a book review.

Lucky Stars was a good book. It wasn't fantastic and it wasn't mind blowing and it didn't leave me aching for more but it was good. It did make me think a little bit though about roles we play in our lives and how we react to those roles and the roles of those around us changing. In this novel Jane Heller presents a very interesting plot twist: What if you and your mother switched places. What if you had an insane dream and you wanted it to come true so badly you could taste it... but in an odd twist of fate it came true for your mom?

I think I'd be jealous... at least that's my first thought. It really does irk me when someone gets what I want. It bugs me. It pisses me off. I think if I wanted to be a movie star like Stacey and suddenly my mother was thrust into the spotlight it would really hurt me. But then I thought about it- as an American twenty-something I have it made and my mom loves me more than I'll ever know so I think if something amazing happened to my mother- I wouldn't be jealous at all. I'd be 100% supportive. I'd be so happy and proud of my momma and I'd let the whole world know about her success- afterall, she's done that for me for years.

Back to the situation I mentioned early in this post... the one where I said I didn't want to go within myself and deal with things... Ya see... there was this boy... and now there's not. That's all you really need to know. You can figure out the rest on your own but you know what? The second my mom realized how hurt I was, she packed a suit case (And some pizza, bless her heart!) and drove an hour and a half to spend the night with me. She put up with having to share the lone bed in my apartment (a bed that she says is entirely too hard). She even put up with me when I couldn't sleep and tossed and turned for hours (She fed me a sleeping pill) and THEN she put up with me when in my sleeping pill induced slumber I had a dream about the boy who shall not be named and starting hitting her... (Sorry Mom!) But even so- My mom did that for me. I'm 25 (I mean twenty-something) And I should not be needing my mom to come get me out of situations or just be there for me when I'm upset but sometimes I do. Sometimes I need my mom and she's there for me. I have the best mom in the world so if my mother became the face of the number one tuna fish manufacturer in the world- you better believe I'd tivo all her commercials!

It's a cute book. You should read it.

15/52 Books (Currently 12 behind... Oops!)
4745 Pages Read.


  1. Apology accepted. Wow, I didn't know you really felt that way about your mom! But I guess if you needed me again, I would drop everything and come (again). But please don't need me next week! I am going to Chicago!!!

    Is that one of the books you 'borrowed' from me?

  2. I don't know... probably... but you may never get it back! :) Love you!
