"Do what you feel in your heart to be right-
for you'll be criticized anyway.
You'll be damned if you do,
and damned if you don't."
Eleanor Roosevelt
I came across this quote earlier in the week and it's odd how it's come into play more than once. I've been feeling a little frustrated lately. It seems no matter what I say or do or how I try to smooth over a particular situation- I'm going to lose a friend anyway... which sucks because I don't know what happened in the first place- many months ago - to make this friend angry. For the life of me I can't figure out where things went wrong and how we ended up at odds with one another... it seems like this has been festering for a long time and came to a head at a very inopportune time for both of us.
I don't like unresolved spats. If you've been around me for much time at all- you know I'm a talker. I like to sit down and talk to the person, hash out any outstanding issues. I like to figure out what we can do to work together to find a resolution.
Years ago I had my heart broken by someone who is now my best friend. I know that sounds completely weird- but it's not. He loved me.. just not in the capacity I wanted him to. Just a few days after his honesty, and my broken heart, he came to my apartment and sat opposite from me and told me that he'd do what he could as my friend to keep me in his life. I think that's true friendship and since that day I've not taken him for granted and I try to use that same attitude in fixing problems I have in other relationships. I feel icky and sad until I do.
I think this is why I could not put down this novel. It was shocking how the feelings of the lead character, Nonny Frett, mimicked my own recent emotions so closely. I desperately wanted a clean ending for her. I had to see her through.
Nonny comes from the tiny little town of Between, Georgia. Nonny is birthed by a Crabtree- a member of the most redneck and backward family in the area, but is quickly stolen and then raised by the Fretts- a family of wealth and religion. Her whole life a battle for her love causes the townspeople to bicker and stir up an all out war.
Nonny's "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" attitude will almost break your heart. She can't take sides. She can't smooth over one family, for the other getting their feathers ruffled. She can't make decisions because someone will find fault with them and blame the other side's cursed family bloodlines. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction in her world. She's trapped in the constant struggle between two families who want her to pick the

This is almost painful to read because she is trying to start her life over. She has a husband who's always got one foot out the door and a young family member who looks to her like a mother. She also has her own mother, who has lost both her hearing and sight and depends on Nonny to communicate to her all that is going on in the world. She has her own issues to work out and cannot due to the overwhelming emotions of those around her.
I have this buddy, we'll call him MB, who likes good lit as much as I do... maybe even more. His picks are pretty deep and often make me feel a little dizzy but even so, I recommended this book to him... that probably doesn't mean anything to you but it should... GO GET A COPY!
17/52 Books (Currently 11 behind... Oops!)
5353 Pages Read.
OMG Joshilyn Jackson is basically my most favorite new author. I LOVE this book. And I LOVE her first one, Gods in Alabama. I have her third book, The Girl who Stopped Swimming. Haven't read it yet, but it's in line. And I got really excited when I was reading through your posts and saw this one. Like...REALLY excited. :)