Saturday, October 2, 2010

26. The Cold, Cold Hand


Moving On.

I'm a glutton for punishment. I'm going camping very soon. In a haunted place (two different parties swear it). Because my boss is making me. That's the last time I say "I have an idea!" in a staff meeting.

I'm not sure how much I really want to go even though it was my idea... because honesty- what if it's real?!?! I've experienced weird stuff in my life that I and other witnesses have absolutely NO explanation for but never have I gone looking for paranormal trouble.

I had that in the back of my mind when I pulled this book off the shelf (why I'd read scary stories BEFORE I go camping I have no idea) and it's October so it seemed like a good idea.

Actually it wasn't an awful idea because this wasn't scary. At all. Other than the scary cover art that kept me from reading this book for months, only one or two stories gave me the creeps. This could all change tomorrow when I've actually had a chance to sleep on these stories and have adequate nightmares.

If you are into Appalachian history or know much about the area- this book could be cool, but since I have none... It really didn't do anything for me. Sorry Burchhill, Crider and Kendrick. Better luck scaring the pants off me next time.

PS- LOOK I'M HALF WAY TO THE 52 MARK!!! Too bad it's October...

26/52 Books (Currently 13 behind... Oops!)
7048 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book

25. At First Sight

I say this with clinched teeth and rolling eyes: Nicholas Sparks is a guilty pleasure. But I still hate him. As long as he keeps writing, I'll keep reading but that doesn't mean I have to like it! I'm making it positively clear that just because I liked one book does not mean he's my favorite author. I'm that serious y'all. This is a one time thing.

Okay, you know those books that make you tear up on the final page and you close the book with a smile on your face and with a satisfied feeling in your heart go eat a brownie? This isn't one of those books. I cried. Girl. I CRIED. Deep sobs came out of me. I wasn't expecting that to happen. Who knew I had a heart?!?!

I know I rant all the time about Mr. Sparks' poor sentence structure and his ridiculously cliche story lines (why rehash?) but this book is very different. I didn't see that twist coming by a long shot and by the time it happened- I was so invested in the characters that my heart hurt for them! It really hurt. I felt like I broke up with somebody... or at the very least got snubbed at the Oscars.

This was a good one. It should come with this warning though: Do not read this book if you are pregnant, want to become pregnant, are on on the pill or have a weak heart.

I'm serious about the wanting to become pregnant part. I'm not sure I have the stomach to be pregnant for 9 months knowing what all can go wrong. Ugh... I need to go write
about another book now. This one cut me deep.

Oh, and the sentence structure was way better. I felt like I was reading Nicholas Sparks For Grown-ups.

25/52 Books (Currently 14 behind... Oops!)
6857 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book

24. Shop Girl

"Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, George Banks! George Banks!"

455 cool points if you can name the movie. 2 more if you can tell me who George Banks is. If you have no idea, you need a serious weekend with some Cherry Garcia ice cream and the Father of the Bride movies. Seriously. Like Dirty Dancing and the Bring It On movies, and A Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff - I can watch Annie Banks get married and her father freak out over and over and over again. Why is this important? Because Steve Martin write books.

What? You didn't know? It's okay. I didn't either- but in my obsessive need to carry out my New Years Resolution (because, well, I never have) I decided to look for the shortest book on my self and it happened to be written by non other than Mr. Martin himself.

So how is he as an author? A little lewd, but it's 2010 and who isn't? But other than that - he's fantastic! He voices something that has been going through my mind over and over these past few weeks - the fact that Men are from Pluto and Women are from Earth.

Martin does an incredible job of dissecting the way the human mind works and the differences between the thought processes of men and women. We've all be then there- a member of the opposite sex tells us one thing and we choose to believe something completely different, all while they firmly believe we see their point exactly like they do. And then the world explodes. It really isn't one gender's fault, or the other's- but it certainly leads to awkward moments and sometimes intense embarrassment. Admit it. You've been there. The only girl who's world is perfect is Barbie's and her arms don't bend.

But what I absolutely love is this: Martin has a keen and honest way of letting us know that no matter how embarrassed or awkward or painful or desperate we are- every chapter ends and new ones begin and ultimately- everything ends up okay - even if life does throw you a few curves and creeps along the way.

This is also a movie. Have you seen it?

24/52 Books (Currently 15 behind... Oops!)
6580 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book

23. ??????

I started a new job the end of August... I also started a new book during that time and while it was a great read, I cannot remember what the book was, nor what it was about. I had placed it aside with The Secret of the Lonely Grave to review when I had some spare time and it has disappeared off my night stand.

I will keep searching and when it is found- I will review it. I have no doubts it will turn up as soon as I stop searching, but in the mean time- you get a lame post about how I lose stuff and I have A.D.D. which strongly overpowers my O.C.D. and I'm scatterbrained and I can't remember what I read even though it probably was several hundred pages worth.

I wanna say it was about a lake, or a beach, or a vacation... Water? Maybe? It could be it was about a beach house, but there is no telling. Or maybe I just want to go to there. (30 Rock anyone?!?!) For all I know I read about the Ninja Turtles. Leonardo is my favorite by the way... Our names start with the same letter.

/52 Books (Currently 16 behind... Oops!)
6450 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book

22. The Secret Of The Lonely Grave

I get it, it's been quite some time since I posted, but I promise- I've been reading! (When I can anyway!) A few weeks back I grabbed a random book off my shelf and to my surprise it was set in Cadiz, Kentucky- a town I drive through when I travel the 90 miles between my current city of residence and my hometown.

I'll admit Cadiz is NOT my favorite place. Reason 1.) He's an ex and he's from there. What better reason do I need? But alas, there is another. Reason 2.) The first and only time (Knock on Wood) I ever got pulled over was right on 68-80. Thanks Mr. Policeman for the warning. I promise, I'll drive 54 through town from now on. Oh, and then there is the pesky problem of rarely having any cell phone service, but that's hardly a reason not to like a city. Is it?

Despite my dislike for the town - I still think there are quaint and adorable aspects to the area- especially as you near Lake Barkley- and I found it pretty cool that an author would pick this touristy little hot spot as the setting for his Civil War-based mystery. The Secret of the Lonely Grave wasn't all that long so it didn't take much time to skip through this cute little novel. In fact, it was incredibly suspenseful, and VERY believable and that made it a fantastic read.

Unlike the Lurlene McDaniel book I reviewed a while back that was very tacky and filled with sexual innuendos, this book would be great for the middle school crowd. I found it so educational that, at 25, I learned things about the Civil War that I didn't know or understand! The author went through great lengths to not only explain the underground railroad but also give a modern voice to those who faced it's horrors.

Having discussed history in depths today with a fellow history buff, I find it not only interesting but essential to keep an eye on the past. How else will we know where we are going if we don't know where we have been?

P.S. The Secrets of the Lonely Grave was written by Albert A. Bell Jr. and looks to be published by a private company, Claystone Books, so you might have to search to find it- but I highly recommend that you do! (It is listed on Amazon!)

22/52 Books (Currently 17 behind... Oops!)
6450 Pages Read.