"Every party has a pooper that's why we invited you, George Banks! George Banks!"
455 cool points if you can name the movie. 2 more if you can tell me who George Banks is. If you have no idea, you need a serious weekend with some Cherry Garcia ice cream and the Father of the Bride movies. Seriously. Like Dirty Dancing and the Bring It On movies, and A Cinderella Story with Hillary Duff - I can watch Annie Banks get married and her father freak out over and over and over again. Why is this important? Because Steve Martin write books.
What? You didn't know? It's okay. I didn't either- but in my obsessive need to carry out my New Years Resolution (because, well, I never have) I decided to look for the shortest book on my self and it happened to be written by non other than Mr. Martin himself.
So how is he as an author? A little lewd, but it's 2010 and who isn't? But other than that - he's fantastic! He voices something that has been going through my mind over and over these past few weeks - the fact that Men are from Pluto and Women are from Earth.

Martin does an incredible job of dissecting the way the human mind works and the differences between the thought processes of men and women. We've all be then there- a member of the opposite sex tells us one thing and we choose to believe something completely different, all while they firmly believe we see their point exactly like they do. And then the world explodes. It really isn't one gender's fault, or the other's- but it certainly leads to awkward moments and sometimes intense embarrassment. Admit it. You've been there. The only girl who's world is perfect is Barbie's and her arms don't bend.
But what I absolutely love is this: Martin has a keen and honest way of letting us know that no matter how embarrassed or awkward or painful or desperate we are- every chapter ends and new ones begin and ultimately- everything ends up okay - even if life does throw you a few curves and creeps along the way.
This is also a movie. Have you seen it?
24/52 Books (Currently 15 behind... Oops!)
6580 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book
What? You didn't know? It's okay. I didn't either- but in my obsessive need to carry out my New Years Resolution (because, well, I never have) I decided to look for the shortest book on my self and it happened to be written by non other than Mr. Martin himself.
So how is he as an author? A little lewd, but it's 2010 and who isn't? But other than that - he's fantastic! He voices something that has been going through my mind over and over these past few weeks - the fact that Men are from Pluto and Women are from Earth.

Martin does an incredible job of dissecting the way the human mind works and the differences between the thought processes of men and women. We've all be then there- a member of the opposite sex tells us one thing and we choose to believe something completely different, all while they firmly believe we see their point exactly like they do. And then the world explodes. It really isn't one gender's fault, or the other's- but it certainly leads to awkward moments and sometimes intense embarrassment. Admit it. You've been there. The only girl who's world is perfect is Barbie's and her arms don't bend.
But what I absolutely love is this: Martin has a keen and honest way of letting us know that no matter how embarrassed or awkward or painful or desperate we are- every chapter ends and new ones begin and ultimately- everything ends up okay - even if life does throw you a few curves and creeps along the way.
This is also a movie. Have you seen it?
24/52 Books (Currently 15 behind... Oops!)
6580 Pages Read + 1 Mystery Book
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