Monday, January 3, 2011

3. Make A Call.

So what have been avoiding for weeks at work because I hate it so much? Calling potential clients I don't know! It seriously makes my heart race, my hands sweat and my adrenaline pump! I don't know why I don't like it... it's a completely irrational fear, but calling a stranger scares me to death! But this morning I pulled that little manilla folder labled "Follow-Up" out of my file cabinet, popped it open and started making those calls!

I called client #1. He wasn't very nice so I figured my next call couldn't be that bad... and so then I called client #2 and pretty soon I'd spent most of my morning on the phone! It wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be- I just had to take the leap!

Silly fear? Maybe. But today I conquered it!

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